Tsunakawa Hiroyuki Anime: |
Game: |
<UNNAMED ROLE(S)> | Hakuouki - Reimei Roku (2010/10/28 PS2) |
<UNNAMED ROLE(S)> | Hakuouki - Reimei Roku Portable (2011/07/28 PSP) |
<UNNAMED ROLE(S)> | Hakuouki - Zuisou Roku (2009/08/27 PS2) |
<UNNAMED ROLE(S)> | Hakuouki - Zuisou Roku Portable (2010/08/26 PSP) |
Kirakaze Hokusai | Mist of Chaos (2007/03/22 PS3) |
Robaato Nikoruson | PANDORA Kimi no Namae wo Boku wa Shiru (2010/11/25 PS2) |
<UNNAMED ROLE(S)> | Spectral Force 3 Innocent Rage (2006/06/29 XBOX 360) |
Runakan | SPECTRAL GENE (2007/12/13 PS2) |
Total number of anime records: 0 |