Toudou Mai


Flight AttendantAsobi ni Ikuyo! (2010/07/10-2010/09/25 TV)
Maid SoldierAsobi ni Ikuyo! (2010/07/10-2010/09/25 TV)
GirlNARUTO Shippuuden (2007/02/15 TV)
MaidsRedixBato! - Ladies VS Butlers! (2010/01/05-2010/03/23 TV)
BoySuite Precure (2011/02/06 TV)
Mari's MotherYuru Yuri (2011/07/05-2011/09/20 TV)


OfiiriaAngelic Crest - Through the Battlefield, and What Angels Found There. (2010/05/27 Windows Internet)
OojanaAngelic Crest - Through the Battlefield, and What Angels Found There. (2010/05/27 Windows Internet)
<UNNAMED ROLE(S)>Hime Hibi -New Princess Days!!- Zoku! Ni Gakki (2009/06/25 PS2)
<UNNAMED ROLE(S)>Hime Hibi -New Princess Days!!- Zoku! Ni Gakki Portable (2010/02/25 PSP)

Total number of anime records: 6
Total number of game records: 4
Total number of records: 10