Sasamoto Natsue


PupilAstarotte no Omocha! (2011/04/10-2011/06/26 TV)
KinanaFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
CuberosFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
Female GuestFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
VillagerFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
Village GirlFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
Lyon's UnderlingFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
BirdFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
SorcererFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
Loki's WomanFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
FemaleFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
BelieverFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
Elderly Woman (V)FAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
Woman AFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
SpectatorFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
GuestFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
Elderly Woman (Vk)FAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)


Total number of anime records: 17
Total number of game records: 0
Total number of records: 17