Ookubo Masanobu

Also known under the name(s):

Ookubo Masatoshi



Under the name Ookubo Masanobu:
KobunFuusen Shoujo Tenpuru-chan (1977/10/01-1978/03/25 TV)
Buritten Zokuchourou (ep.87)Ginga Tetsudou 999 (1978/09/14-1981/04/02 TV)
HotsumatsumaKyoshin Gorg GIANT GORG (1984/04/05-1984/09/27 TV)
KouteiUchuu Senshi Baldios (TV)
Under the name Ookubo Masatoshi:
Dr. Mad (ep.46)Lupin III Sei [2nd TV Series] (1977/10/03-1980/10/06 TV)


Total number of anime records: 5
Total number of game records: 0
Total number of records: 5