Katsu Anri


Riru OruraDensetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu (2010/07/02-2010/12/17 TV)
KageyamaFAIRY TAIL (2009/10/12 TV)
ArugoGUILTY CROWN (2011/10/13 TV)
DoruchettoHagane no Renkinjutsushi FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST [2nd Version] (2009/04/05-2010/07/04 TV)
AmanorichHEROMAN (2010/04/01-2010/09/23 TV)
Dariru MagginesuKidou Senshi Gundam UC (Unicorn) (2010/03/12 OVA)
Asanaga HirotoMajin Tantei Nougami Neuro (2007/10/02-2008/03/25 TV)
MarukoMAR - Marchen Awakens Romance (2005/04/03-2007/03/25 TV)
Fujieda NaokiNANA (2006/04/05-2007/03/28 TV)
Akadou Yoroi [2]NARUTO (2002/10/03-2007/02/08 TV)
Akadou YoroiNARUTO Shippuuden (2007/02/15 TV)
IwanaNARUTO THE CROSS ROADS [Jump Super Anime Tour 2009] (2009 OVA)
Natashou KaoruPrincess Princess (2006/04/05-2006/06/21 TV)
Shin SuouSaiunkoku Monogatari (2006/04-2008/03 TV)
ClarkShinryaku! Ika Musume - The invader comes from the bottom of the sea! (2010/10-2010/12 TV)
Tsuchimikado MotoharuToaru Majutsu no Index (2008/10 TV)
Suzuki IttaTokimeki Memorial ~Only Love~ (2006-2007 TV)
Kou-chan (Takahashi Kouta)Wangan Midnight (2007/06-2008/09 TV)


Fujieda NaokiNANA Subete wa Daimaou no Omichibiki!? (2006/07/06 PSP)
Kou-chanWangan Midnight (2007/07/26 PS3)
GhirahimZelda no Densetsu -Skyward Sword- (THE LEGEND OF ZELDA -Skyward Sword-) (2011/11/23 Wii)

Total number of anime records: 18
Total number of game records: 3
Total number of records: 21