Aoi Kaito

Also known under the name(s):

Hisayama Shuuhei



Under the name Aoi Kaito:
Maaku [Mark]Freezing (2011/01/08-2011/04/07 TV)


Under the name Aoi Kaito:
Kamikura KirihitoDEVILS DEVEL CONCEPT (2009/02/26 Windows)
Eguchi MakotoFuta Ane ~bitter&sweet~ (2010/04/30 Windows)
Niita YuuhiSoukou Akki Muramasa [FullMetalDaemon MURAMASA] (2009/10/30 Windows)
OSoukou Akki Muramasa [FullMetalDaemon MURAMASA] (2009/10/30 Windows)

Total number of anime records: 1
Total number of game records: 4
Total number of records: 5